Leadership from the UPHA, ASHA, AHHS and AMHA have joined forces to fight the vague and capricious language in the USDA’s proposed changes in the Horse Protection Act intended to help end soring in the three breeds originally named in the HPA. The use of such terms as “related breeds” and “horses with an accentuated gait” have no definition and therefore could be unfairly interpreted to include trotting breeds such as the American Saddlebred, Hackney, Morgan Horse and Arabian who have no history of soring practices. In fact, soring or lameness of any kind would have a counterproductive effect and not give a competitive advantage of any kind.

A couple of different fundraisers have been put in place to help build funds for the legal battle that we are facing. Please purchase your t-shirt to help the cause. Additionally, the UPHA Young Trainers are selling shirts in person at various shows.