The American Saddlebred Horse Association in partnership with the World’s Championship Horse Show presented the results of membership surveys from the ASHA, UPHA and the AHHS to the David Beck, the CEO of Kentucky Venues, on December 13 at the WCHS Advisory Committee Meeting. The primary area of concern centered around the two additional days that were added in 2018. The ASHA discussed that membership does not want additional classes added on those two days due to added expenses and school schedules. Further, the UPHA reiterated their position that the two additional days be kept for schooling horses only, as the WCHS was previously the only major show that did not allow access to its main arena before the show. Kentucky Venues will consider the request at its board meeting in January.

The WCHS Advisory Committee is made up of representatives from the ASHA and UPHA and provides a voice for the Saddlebred industry to Kentucky Venues (formerly the Kentucky State Fair Board) on ways to improve the World’s Championship Horse Show. As the leading breed organization that participates, The American Saddlebred Horse Association takes great pride in having the opportunity to help improve the show experience and appreciates its membership taking this survey.

“We gained tremendous insight into member preferences and suggestions for the WCHS from the nearly 1,000 survey responses," Executive Director Terri Dolan said. "The active participation from our membership allowed ASHA to effectively bring forth recommendations to the WCHS show committee and management.”

The ASHA WCHS Survey was made available to all members to share their opinions and suggestions for the WCHS. The survey was open from November 15 to November 30. Below you will find the results of the ASHA membership survey questions along with the results from the UPHA and AHHS surveys. In addition to the charted results, you will see that ASHA received additional insight and suggestions from its membership in the following primary areas: show/fair operations, show schedule, stabling, work areas, awards, exhibitor hospitality and judging. All areas of concern were presented to the Kentucky Venues.