Governor Steve Beshear has approved the proposal submitted by the Kentucky State Fair Board which means the Fair and the World’s Championship Horse Show will be held August 20 – 29, 2020. The World’s Championship Horse Show will be held August 22 – 29, 2020. It should be noted that exhibitors must follow the guidelines put forth by Governor Beshear that are shown below.

Requirements for Horse Shows

In addition to the Healthy at Work Minimum Requirements, horse shows must meet the requirements below in order to reopen and remain open:

Social Distancing Requirements for Horse Shows

  • Horse shows must ensure that the number of people on horse show grounds or in a ring does not exceed the number that can safely socially distance at six (6) feet or more away from one another - this may result in a smaller amount of competitors that would normally be
  • Horse shows must ensure that stalls, if used, are large enough to permit six (6) feet of social distancing between exhibitors; if not, every other stall must be
  • Horse shows must ensure that horse trailers are parked a minimum of six (6) feet apart to the greatest extent
  • Horse shows must arrange judges’ and other officials’ spaces to ensure that they can maintain six (6) feet of social distance from
  • Horse shows must limit attendance to: essential staff, volunteers, and service providers; judges; trainers; participants/riders; groomers, and; owners. If a participant is a minor, their parents or primary caregivers may attend with
  • Horse shows must not permit the public, spectators, fans, family members (other than parents/caregivers of a minor), or outside media on competition
  • Horse shows must use online registration, check-in, and payment to the greatest extent practicable.
  • Horse shows must configure any competition offices or check-in spaces to ensure that both staff and competitors can remain six (6) feet apart to the greatest extent Horse shows should consider markings showing six (6) feet of distance as well as plexiglass or other physical, non-porous barriers in these spaces.
  • Horse shows must stagger horse arrival, check-in, entry, exit, and horse departure times to avoid participants, staff, and volunteers

Temperature and Health Screening Requirements for Horse Shows

  • Horse shows must require temperature and health screenings for all volunteers, officials, competition staff, service providers, and participants consistent with the Temperature and Health Screening Guidance in the Healthy At Work Minimum Requirements. These screenings may either be self-administered at home or administered on-site prior to

Cleaning and Disinfecting Requirements for Horse Shows 

  • Horse shows must ensure that their facilities, including stalls, locker rooms, common areas, breakrooms and restrooms are properly cleaned and ventilated. Horse shows are encouraged to open exterior doors and windows to increase
  • Horse shows should provide hand sanitizer, handwashing facilities, tissues and waste baskets in convenient locations to the greatest extent
  • Horse shows must limit the use of shared equipment (e.g., tack, grooming supplies, lead shanks) to the greatest extent practicable. If equipment must be shared, horse shows must sanitize that equipment between each
  • Horse shows making restrooms or locker rooms available must ensure frequently touched surfaces are frequently cleaned and disinfected (e.g., door knobs and handles). 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements

Horse shows must require a facemask or face covering for all staff, officials, volunteers, service providers and participants when not mounted on a horse. Horse shows do not have to require participants on horseback to wear a mask, but the horse shows should permit them to do so if they wish. Horse shows must not disqualify or penalize a participant for wearing a facemask or face covering while

  • Horse shows should ensure that gloves are worn by any essential staff or volunteers when handling shared show equipment and that those gloves are replaced after each

Training and Safety Requirements for Horse Shows

  • Horse shows must train essential staff to use This training includes: when to use PPE; what PPE is necessary; how to properly put on, use, and remove PPE; how to properly dispose of or disinfect PPE; how to inspect PPE for damage; how to maintain PPE, and; the limitations of PPE.

  • Horse shows must establish log-in procedures for essential staff and participants and maintain that information for potential contact

The means in which these guidelines will be implemented will be announced as soon as possible. As this situation evolves, and if there are any changes, those changes will also be announced immediately.

The show will be determining a way for participants to have seating option within Freedom Hall for the horse show, but there will be no general/outside spectators.