The United States Trotting Association, and many generous enthusiasts who want to see the roadster discipline continue to thrive, sponsor the USTA Roadster Class — one of the roadster industry’s most celebrated and lucrative-prize classes — to be competed at the 2022 Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show, held August 20-27, at Freedom Hall, in Louisville, Ky. Featuring $25,000 estimated added prize money, the prestigious class is a favorite, as it showcases horses that are fresh to the roadster-to-bike show ring, often soon to become tomorrow’s biggest stars.
But first, your 100% Standardbred horse must be nominated; that, with accompanying $50 payment, must occur by June 1. After June 1, a $200 penalty applies; no nominations will be accepted after June 15. Entry to the class at World’s Championship Horse Show and $165 fee are required by the horse show’s entry deadline; and a declaration fee of $300 is due by 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 20, at the horse show office.
Full details and forms can be found here.