Midwest Charity Horse Show is thrilled to announce its 81st annual show, June 14-18, 2022, in the Coliseum of Champions. Daily performances will be 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., with a distinguished panel of judges: Jim Cherry, Encinitas, Calif.; Gary Garone, Richmond, N.H.; Brooke Jacobs, Georgetown, Ky.; and Lisa Jo White, Woodstock, Ill. New classes include: Opportunity Open Parade and Championship; Five Gaited Pony and Championship; Three Gaited Pony and Championship; Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving and Championship; Arabian Country Pleasure Driving Championship and; Half Arabian Country Pleasure Driving Championship.

The updated Midwest Charity website is now online at www.midwestcharity.com with prize list, box seat form, entry form, etc.  

New this year, entries will be accepted electronically through www.horseshowsonline.com starting May 2. Entries are due May 20. Printed prize lists can be mailed upon request. Stables may move in on Sunday, June 12, after 9 a.m.

Midwest's longtime, generous supporters enabled the show to donate $10,000 to the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine’s Pediatric Fund from proceeds of its 2021 multi-breed show. Midwest is grateful for and looks forward to its sponsors’ continued support as it is more important than ever this year to put on a show of this caliber. Since its inception, the Midwest Charity Horse Show, an all-volunteer, nonsubsidized organization, has donated its annual proceeds to a Springfield area charity and has selected SIU School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics as its beneficiary. Since 1987, Midwest Charity Horse Show Association (MCHSA) in partnership with SIU School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics has been an integral part of helping children with chronic illnesses live happy, healthier lives. Proceeds from this year’s horse show help provide overnight lodging, food and/or transportation for families whose child is receiving treatment. The MCHSA endowment has given more than $257,000 to SIU School of Medicine's Department of Pediatrics since 1987.

For more information about the Midwest Charity Horse Show call Show Manager/President, Carole Kennedy at 217-414-1900. Those who are online can log on to www.midwestcharity.com or Facebook at www.facebook.com/midwestcharity to check for updates regarding the 2022 show.