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The Junior League of Lexington is proud to announce the 2018 Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show will be held in the Kentucky Horse Park’s Rolex Arena. The Red Mile has been home to the Horse Show since its establishment in 1937 and next year’s move marks a historic change for this signature Saddlebred event and the Junior League of Lexington.
A world class venue responsible for hosting the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, the Rolex Arena is also home to the Rolex Three-Day Event, the USHJA International Hunter Derby, and many more top equestrian events. For the Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show, the Kentucky Horse Park will offer expanded stabling opportunities and multiple rings for schooling and warm up. Another benefit will be the Otto Sport all-weather footing of the arena, which ensures Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show exhibitors will compete with ease in the event of rain. In addition to the performance benefits of Rolex Arena, the new venue location allows for increased capacity for exhibitors and number of horses able to compete in the Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show.
“As we embrace the future of our show, we will continue to honor the traditions of the Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show for the next generation,” said Laci Poulter, Junior League of Lexington President. “Our organization hosts the world’s finest outdoor Saddlebred competition in Lexington to engage our membership of trained volunteers and to raise funds for deserving agencies in our community.”
With the change of venue, the Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show will remain the first leg of the American Saddlebred Triple Crown and the largest outdoor Saddlebred Horse Show. This signature equestrian event attracts over 30,000 spectators, with out-of-town visitors generating approximately $5 million in revenue for the Lexington community each year. Nearly 1,000 exhibitors travel from all over the world to com pete for $70,000 in prize money. Most importantly, the Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show will continue to provide the high level of hospitality for which the Junior League of Lexington is known. As the organization looks excitedly toward the future, the Junior League of Lexington strongly encourage s both the Central Kentucky and Saddlebred communities to honor the long history with the Red Mile by attending the 2017 Charity Horse Show, July 3 - 8. The Red Mile has been a welcoming and supportive home for the Horse Show and the Junior League of Lexington extends the highest gratitude to the Red Mile leadership.
About the Junior League of Lexington
The Junior League of Lexington is an organization of wome n committed to promoting voluntee rism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Our purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The Junior League of Lexington, Kentucky, Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to volunteerism. The Junior League of Lexington is a proud member of the Association of Junior Leagues International. Please direct questions or comments to 2018jllhorseshow@gmail.com.