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In its regularly scheduled meeting on January 21, 2017, the Board of Directors of the American Saddlebred Horse Association unanimously decided to take several actions related to the World’s Championship Horse Show historically held annually in Freedom Hall in Louisville, KY.
- Keep the dates for 2017 and 2018 to coincide with the start of Kentucky State Fair and not move it one week earlier as has been discussed.
- Form a WCHS Exploratory Committee of the Board to create a point of view regarding what the American Saddlebred Horse Association, its members, and the breed needs from the World’s Championship Horse Show. This committee consists of ASHA Board members David Mount, Kenneth Wheeler, Scott Hagan, David Rudder, Joan Lurie, Elisabeth Goth, Emily Lee, and ASHA Board President Donna Pettry-Smith.
- Authorize the President of the ASHA to send the State Fair Board that all substantial and official communication be made only through the President or Vice President of the Board of the ASHA in writing and on official ASHA letterhead.
“Steve Kelly, the Fair Board Exposition Chief, visited the ASHA Board of Directors meeting November 1, and proposed the possibility of having the option of changing the dates for the WCHS in 2018," said Board President, and member of the newly formed WCHS Exploratory Committee, Donna Pettry-Smith. “At that meeting, the Board voted to form a committee to study the issue. As time passed, it became apparent through conversation and thoughts communicated to the Board that the discussion is much broader than simply whether or not to move the dates of the show. We need to formulate our point of view and requests of the Kentucky State Fair to keep with our mission of promoting, improving, and protecting the breed.”
A survey will be sent to all ASHA members to gather their input to inform the work of the WCHS Exploratory Committee related to the World’s Championship Horse Show produced by the Kentucky State Fair and its relationship to the ASHA and its mission to the American Saddlebred breed.