Over the past few years Lauren Beck has made a name for herself as a beautiful and smart-riding equitation competitor with her horse Dreamacres Lucy In The Sky, but at this year's World's Championship Horse Show she made her very first victory pass on the Green Shavings with a different mount and in a different division, and the experience was one she will never forget.

Sunday evening, under the direction of Country Meadow Farm in Mokena, Illinois, she rode her new horse, I'm A Holiday, to win the Junior Exhibitor Three-Gaited Park Division II World's Championship. It was just her fourth show with Holiday, and they had come to Louisville just to gain more experience as a team, so she was completely shocked to hear that they had not only won the class, but won it unanimously. A Louisville victory pass is something she had quite literally dreamt of for years. 

From those early dreams to Sunday's big win, here is what Lauren had to say about the World's Championship experience.