Hey, my name is Skylar Rueff and I am from Louisville, Kentucky. I feel very privilaged to be writing for Saddle & Bridle about my journey with It's Aerosmith during my 2016 show season. I'm excited to get this opportunity since it's my last year in the junior exhibitor division. Presently, I'm excited to finished with all my college applications and can happily say that I have been accepted to Rollins College in Florida. I have never written a blog post before so I'm going to give it my best shot!

On February 5th, I had my first ride on It's Aerosmith aka "Tyler" since the The Royal and it was so nice to just sit on him again. We had a very relaxing and fun ride even though it was freezing cold outside.

Tyler had a blast on vacation this winter getting to run and buck and play just being a horse this winter. I loved how our first ride was not strictly business, but it was just me reconnecting with my beautiful, black furry friend. This year I need to work on cantering Tyler better, as it has been a challenging thing for both of us since he is such a young horse.

My first show this season will be River Ridge and I will being showing Tyler in the Park division and my other horse The Norseman in country pleasure. I can't wait for the show season to start and I hope I have another successful year filled with learning and excitement.