The second horse show of the year is under our belts! We chose the Pro-Am Benefit Horse Show in Perry, Georgia, because it’s close to home and full of wonderful people. These guys do an incredible job of putting on a horse show. From Christy Parker’s Great Trainer Challenge on Friday night (I will never unsee Rich Campbell stuffing ten marshmellows in his mouth) to the fact that the trophies were personalized Tervis cups (YES), it’s one of my favorite shows.
We brought Billy Deluxe, Callaway’s Naughty and Nice, Regal’s Prime Rate LF, Jolly Mon Sing, and Starlight Voyager to show, and Northern Asset and Memories of Cabo to practice. Basically, it was awesome. Billy Deluxe behaved like a dream, not trying to drag me God-knows-where, so I’m really excited to practice other things with him and really get going. He is one of the most fun horses to ride, so game and light in his bridle. Jolly Mon remains my heart horse, carrying myself and my dog to the barn after his championship win.
I am suspicious that, somehow, Voyager got himself a tablet and read my last blog post. That dude was 90% well-behaved, which blew my mind. He’s showing in a brand new division for him, Country Pleasure, which we’re hoping he is going to love. Light shoes, an extended trot, and the best part -- I get to have reins in BOTH my hands (yaaaasssss). He may be naughty, but he is my horse forever. Wherever he is the happiest is where I’m the happiest, too. I would even show in Adult Equitation if he decided that was his forte. Although, I can’t imagine the thrilling new things he’ll think of during a pattern.
Callaway’s Naughty and Nice was absolutely lovely. I never thought I would enjoy wearing a top hat again, but Tammy has proven me wrong with this mare. I still despise the hat, but that’s not Naughty’s fault. That’s the fault of whatever long-gone atelier decided to create formalwear with poured concrete.
Tammy also let me catch drive Cookie Monster for her husband, Mitchell. I have shown several road horses over the years, but HANDS DOWN this guy is the most fun. Never in my life have I ever gone so unbelievably fast in the ring. At the reverse, in road classes, I am very careful with my spot. I try to come out in front, or place myself behind who I know to be the fastest in the class, to give myself room. Therefore, I got in behind Marty and Iamnotacow because they go like the earth’s on fire. Well, Cookie wanted everyone to know that he felt the heat, too. It was an absolute honor and a joyful, joyful privilege to get reserve to that team.
My road pony, Regal’s Prime Rate, or as we call him, Peter, was a trip. I just love showing him. And I must have some cosmic attraction to the acrobatic ponies of the universe, because, like my beloved past pony, Seize the Moment, Peter really knows how to express himself. And I absolutely love it. Dance, Peter, dance! Rich and Maureen are some of the coolest people you could ever drive with. They’re brilliant, hysterical, and so talented it makes you feel like you can do anything. I can’t wait until River Ridge to get together with my little dreamboats, Craycroft Matador and Heartland High Tech.
Finally, I rode Northern Asset and Memories of Cabo for practice. These two have the same initial effect on me. They’re huge, chestnut horses with full blown V12 engines, and I am a tiny little person with short legs and noodle arms. Needless to say, walking up, putting my gloves on, I’d be stupid to not feel a little bit intimidated. That feeling goes away after one pass, though. They’re both so intelligent, warm-hearted and athletic; they love what they do, you just have to help them out and then stay out of their way. Tammy and Tyler have done incredible things with these guys, and I cannot wait to take them each through the gate.
Well, that about sums up Pro-Am. I am amped, I am elated and I am grateful to participate in this sport with horses that I love so much. I can’t wait to see y’all at River Ridge!