The World's Championship Horse Show, referred to as "Louisville," or sometimes "World's," by most of the Saddlebred industry, ended just over a month ago. Running Saturday to Saturday, it is a long and grueling week of horse showing, and while it's impossible to imagine the show season without it, it's often a relief when Louisville is past and exhibitors have moved onto the fall shows.
However, there is something undeniably exciting about the show, that exhibitors, trainers and journalists alike have often struggled to put into words. Perhaps the people who can best get across that magic are photographers. No matter how tired or stressed you were that week, here at eight photos that may make you wish it was Louisville time again.
The view of the ramp from inside Freedom Hall.
The incredible stabling areas.
The great shopping opportunities.
The ramp and the green shavings.
The Freedom Hall sign.
The moment the gate shuts and judging begins.
The classic shedrow barns.
Stohper Walk and the hundreds of golf carts.
From the smell of the footing in Stopher Walk to the air conditioning of Freedom Hall, and the crazy hilarity of driving golf carts down actual streets at night, Louisville is always a unique event.
Do you miss it yet? If so, have no fear: you can look forward to the 2018 show, which will be held August 18-25.
All images by Avis.