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- Written by: Lauren Beck
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
I always appreciate a challenge. I love the hard work, the lessons learned, and the sweetness of any tiny victories along the way. So when my trainer Julie Ann Wroble suggested I’m A Holiday, a high-powered, young mare who had only ever been shown in Three-Gaited Park, as my next equitation partner, despite the fact she would be brand new to the division, I was completely on board.

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- Written by: Victoria Marohl
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
No matter your walk of faith, there is definitely no denying that the winter holiday season is upon us. For many of us that means parties with cookies, snacks, and all kinds of delectable dishes, but what of our equine companions? They work hard all season long and undoubtedly deserve a few treats during the off season, too. If you’re looking for something more than the healthy carrot, apple or sugary peppermint to spoil your horse, you’re in the right spot.

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- Written by: Victoria Marohl
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
I recently had the privilege of attending Ms. Gayle Lampe's saddle seat riding clinic. Though I grew up riding saddle seat, in my recent adult life most of my riding has been dressage or western, specifically vaquero, and it’s been shamefully long since I’ve had any exposure to the saddle seat world.

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- Written by: jennifer w maclean
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
Just a few short weeks ago 27 horses entered the ring for the Academy WTC 11 and Older Championship at the North Carolina State Championship Horse Show. Yes, you read that correctly…27 horses in academy. No splits here, and everyone came out happy, healthy, and exhilarated.

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- Written by: Zoe Schaffel
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
And just like that, one more Louisville, World's, or World's Championship Horse Show, is in the books! The most thrilling, crazy, stressful, emotional week with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, all in an 8-day span of time.