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- Written by: Zoe Schaffel
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
Hey there fellow Saddle and Bridlers! My name is Zoe Schaffel. I am super excited to be blogging for one of my favorite magazines! I can’t wait to share more with you throughout the show season, and probably a few laughs down the road.

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- Written by: Melissa Moore
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
Since I was in my late teens, I have always felt I lived two different lives – two very different lives that I love so very much. Perhaps their differences is what keeps me whole, but whatever it is, I feel blessed to enjoy my life the way I do.
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- Written by: Melissa Moore
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
The glue that binds. That is what the American Saddlebred Horse and industry is to many. This is true of four friends that met over 35 years ago, because of their love of the American Saddlebred. Cathy Coniglio, Heidi Price Zerivitz, Ellen Olgetree Brooks and myself are these four women. Each of us has had our own journey in the Saddlebred industry and our own journey in life, but remain close friends.

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- Written by: Melissa Moore
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
A labor of love! That is what everyone should know when it comes to Michele Macfarlane and the tireless efforts she puts in to presenting the American Saddlebreds in the Tournament of Roses parade, on a yearly basis. I was so excited and honored that she wanted me to be a part of this year’s group, and as you can imagine, I had great expectations of what it would be like.

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- Written by: Jillian Tsiplakis
- Category: Saddle & Bridle Blog
Gidget was always breaking my heart. In 2009, after joining the Army, I used my military sign on bonus to buy Gidget. I was 22 years old and Gidget was only 3; I guess I thought we could figure out this “growing up” thing together.